So in most families cristmas is a bring draw out production. Gifts where being bought since September. Even one in the family gets together, has dinner and open gifts, but not in my family. You see, we only started celebrating christmas 2 years ago. The first time we celebrated it we where so excited. Evryone would stay up all night. Just so we could open our gifts exactly at 12:00PM, Christmas day. We play gospel music that day and even take a visit to the grandparent house. This was way different. Without the reminders on t.v i wouldnt even remember christmas was coming. My mother got gifts last minute therefore the gifts was at its minimum. It was a regular ol' day at my house. The good thing i can say is my family was all safe and in goood health for the celebration of Crist's Birth and i coudln't have asked for anything else for christmas. Happy Holidays!
As i go further with this skool, i'm beginning to hate it more and more. People become shiestyy and start showing there true colors. Half the skool is fake and that's not me so how could i even enjoy coming to skool. I don't try to get close to anyone i wasn't already close to because people cannot be trusted. Since i have to finish this year with my mind set right and positive. my motto goes something like this: FUCK EM' ALL! Sinara Bitchess
So if friday wasnt the coldest day. I don't know what was. My hair was flying. My scarf was flying. Even i was flying. I felt like a popsicicle even though i had on a thick NorthFace jacket. Lord knows i decided to look cute and wear a dress that day not knowing the full extent of how cold it was outside, until i reached 3 blocks away from home. With no turning back. I FROZE! This was a lesson for me. To learn dnt dress cute , dress right!
Example: Express the equation y=5x-10 in standard form. State the values for A, B, and C.
Basically, what you want to do is move all the x and y terms over to one side, and move the constants (terms with no variables) over to the other. Combine and simplify where possible. That's all there is to it. "A" will be the term left over in front of x, "B" will be with y, and C will be the value not attached to a variable.
This site seemed very cool. They gave me a sixty second " low down" and it gave main information about the site in 60 seconds. You could upload pictures. Add texts to them, edit them and make slide shows. You can also upload videos. Cut and edit them. Then upload them to your own site or even share them with friends. I enjoyed the little preview of this site and i wouldn't be surprised if i start using this site. Support the site.
At first i thought this site was about implants and surgeries. but no it is not . this site i about companies and advice to which ones you should support for your specific need. This site wouldnt be useful for younger ages bout maybe older people. People who already have jobs and could understand all the finacial talk.
This site Bores me. I love the subject science but hate this site. It is very confusing. The average computer person wouldnt be able to navigate their way through this site. I would only reccomend this site if you know exactly wat you are looking for or have the time to search through everything ont this site. It NOT an eye catcher so i was quick to judge this site and even close this site. They should really step their game up.
So i went to my first banneker game on Friday and it was FUN! They played music. people laughed and cheered. All the blechers were filled with people and antics. They played ACRON and beat them 63-39 . if i remebered correctly. The cheerleaders came out and did their thing at halftime amd so did the steppers. They looked GREAT. Overall the game was alot of fun and i look forward to when i get to cheer at the next game.
Reciepes @ for days. This site is similar to the betty crocker site but they differ because it doesnt use only betty crocker products. They provide ratings for reciepes and feeback for anyone else who wants to use this reciepe but wants a lil insite to how it turns out. You can even upload your own reciepes to share with the world. This is a good site for aspiring chefs or even chefs that want to spice it up alittle. With something new in the kitchen.
I love Enews. It keeps you informed with all the lastest things happening in hollywood.Like the outrageuos things stars do and say. Also the good deeds they accomplish. If you are a fan of any artist or actor. Myabe even a gossip junkie you would love this site. They tell you about things such as movies coming out and their ratings. Photos from paparrazzi. Fashion the stars adore and wear. In addition topics like "The Awful Truth." It also give links to related sites like "The Soup," "Chelse Lately" and more. i enjoyed this site!
BOOTLEG! This site is the complete copy of myspace. Which isn't really great at all. They have a few differences but if you ask me, you shouldn't waste your time in signing up for both sites. One is enough! I never found myself to creating a facebook so i cannot tell you from experience. But i can talk to you from feedback from family and friends that participate in this site that it is wack! The funniest part must be FARMVILLE. com'on. There is more of a grown population on facebook. So young people it's no in your best intrest to add random friends. You can uplod pictures, make friends, and tell about yourself. Share videos and moments online. Although i do not recomend this site. try it and tell me what you think.
The greatest search engine ever made. It helps you find links to websites that may help out what you searched. They give you the best results or more popular sites first then the websites that sorta, kinda fur-fills your needs is last. So you find what your looking for faster. Without having to visit each and every link. Google provides alot as a search engine. You can search the web, maps, videos, news, shopping, visit your gmail and many more features. I myself love this link and i use it all the time.
This website is the perfect website for chefs that want to try something new. Or even ordinary cookers that are looking for recipes. Even people who just want ideas to make a hoilday dinner, breakfast, or lunch more magnificent. This site includes Recipes, directions on how to cook those recipes, how to bake pastry, products they provide, and products you can buy from their company BETTY CROOKER. I highly recommend this site. It is easy accessable and understandable. If it was your first day on the computer, you can explore this website without experience. Visit this site! Support them
after thanksgiving is the wosrt. Gaining them extra 5lbs is nothing but taking it off is the challenge. I could barley leave the dinner table without stumbling.Ilove spending the time with the family. It was awsome. I couldnt beileve Black Friday was the day after. I surely didnt get up in time. But thanksgiving was worth missing the shopping. Coming froma shoppaholic. That means the world.
"Los Angeles- Musical icon Jennifer Lopez, who performed her latest single “Louboutins” during the American Music Awards- that was held on Sunday, grabbed a lot more attention as the singer took a fall during her AMA performance. Although, her newest single otherwise was immensely enjoyed by the audience, the performance could not be termed as flawless as the singer tumbled and fell right on stage. The reputed singer, who is known for her amazing performances on stage, however could not manage to display a smooth performance this time around.
However, the much acclaimed artist managed to get up right away and came back to take control of her performance soon after. At the same time, J.Lo also underwent a costume change and returned on stage to conclude her otherwise stunning performance. Audiences present at the event later revealed that while the singer was performing her song, there was a sequence where few back up dancers lined themselves as staircase and J.Lo was supposed to walk over them. However, things did not go as scheduled. Unfortunately, the singer fell down and landed on her bottom. Following the incident, J.Lo being a pro, managed to recover quickly, due to which she did not miss a beat.
J.Lo’s performance was an highly anticipated one as it marked her return to the stage after a long period of time. Despite the debacle, the talented singer displayed a scintillating performance which was immensely enjoyed by the audiences. At the same time, this AMA performance of Jennifer Lopez also grabbed many eyeballs because of her costume, as the singer was dressed like a boxer to match up to the theme of the song."
Thnaksgiving 2009' i am planning to spend with my relatives in longisland. We went there every thanksgiving except last year because we all had plans. I cannot wait til i can smell the roasted turkey and those sweet mash potatoes. That mouth watering stuffing and ended with that freshly baked pumpkin pie. Who doesn't love thanksgiving?
November 20, 2009 homecoming day. I excpeted the biggest and the baddest of parties. Poppin music and crazy outfits. I must say although i enjoyed it, i was disapointed with the turn out. first of all not alot of my main friends were there because Freshmans were on a strict code. Most of the night they played american music and like 5 reggae songs. The dj. was overally handsome but he wasnt playing nothing good. Homwcoming ended at 11 on the dot and boy was it heckted to leave. The night was a good night dancing and having fun with my fellow banneker students. They all know how to get down and i look forward to more school parties.
American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958, and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. His father, Joe Jackson, had been a guitarist but was forced to give up his musical ambitions following his marriage to Katherine (Scruse). Together they prodded their growing family's musical interests at home. By the early 1960s, the older boys Jackie, Tito and Jermaine had begun performing around the city; by 1964, Michael and Marlon had joined in.
"A musical prodigy, Michael's singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature, and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5. An opening act for such soul groups as the O-Jays and James Brown, it was Gladys Knight (not Diana Ross) who officially brought the group to Berry Gordy's attention, and by 1969, the boys were producing back-to-back chart-busting hits as Motown artists ("I Want You Back," "ABC," "Never Can Say Goodbye," "Got to Be There," etc.). As a product of the 1970s, the boys emerged as one of the most accomplished black pop/soul vocal groups in music history, successfully evolving from a group like The Temptations to a disco phenomenon.
Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s, he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, "Thriller" in 1982. A TV natural, he ventured rather uneasily into films, such as playing the Scarecrow in The Wiz (1978), but had much better luck with elaborate music videos.
In the 1990s, the downside as an 1980s pop phenomenon began to rear itself. Michael grew terribly child-like and introverted by his peerless celebrity. A rather timorous, androgynous figure to begin with, his physical appearance began to change drastically, and his behavior grew alarmingly bizarre, making him a consistent target for scandal-making, despite his numerous charitable acts. Two brief marriages -- one to Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie Presley -- were forged and two children produced by his second wife during that time, but the purposes behind them appeared image-oriented. Despite it all, Michael Jackson's passion and artistry as a singer, dancer, writer and businessman are unparalleled, and it is these prodigious talents that will ultimately prevail over the extremely negative aspects of his seriously troubled adult life.
For it all to end on June 25, 2009, with his sudden death at age 50 of a drug-induced cardiac arrest, just as he was coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert "comeback" in July, seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. Millions upon millions of dedicated fans will remember where they were "the day Michael died".
MY SUMMER VACATION SOO.. for my summer vacation 09' mee and my bestfriend and sisters spent 4 nights in new jersey and went to sixflags each day. This was a great summer. I got alot of quality time with my mother and it drew us closer together. Now i feel as if i could talk with my mother about anything. (&&] When i say anything i mean ANYTHING! There was a first for alot of things on this vacation. 1st i got stung by a bee by trying to stop him from stinging my bestfriend. 2nd i alomost drowned in the wave pool trying to help my friend from drowning once again. I ate at a dinner and lastly got to ride the Dark Knight and Bizzaro. I almost fainted when i spotted Diggy ( Rev. Run)'s son gettin on to the same ride as me. I became the biggest fan ever. screamimg his name . The hotel was the bomdiggity! breakfast was delicious and that indoor pool was refreshing. The room was huge and falling a sleep at night was with ease. If i could i would do this vacation all over again. * AZZiE *
soo... tryouts for the banneker cheerleading team was thursday. goin into the tryout i was very nervous but as i seen others that i knew trying out it became comfortable. The tryout routine was not challenging at all. i thought i did excellent at what ever was thrown at me. but as i got home for some reason i got anixous about making it. i knew what i was capable of making it but everyone doubts themselves. Now it is wedns. october 21 and im goin to the first practice. WISH COME TRUE! wish me the best with that team. We have no quiterrs here.
well i must say i am a dog lover. i am the owner of the 4 best dogs in the world. Pugsly Dexter Smith, Kreme Crystal Smith, Otimus Darren Smith && Leo Don Smith. Each of my dogs share diffrent characteristics in which makes each stand out and me love them even more. Kreme is the mastermind. She's practically HUMAN. She opens doors, eats dinner at the table, watches t.v in the sofa and sleeps in her own bed. Pugsly is the guard dog. only weighing 12lbs. he is a fighter. He doesnt allow anyone to enter the house that looks new to him. If you do not get his approval he WILL attack. Such a mighty dog for a little fella. Optimus is the new addition. He is still a little shy and has some gettin used to with the family. His daily schedule goes a lil like this : wake early, knock my door, eat my breakfast, go to the bathroom, sleep, wake up for dinner, eat his and any left overs of the other dogs, use the bathroom, sleep and it all starts over again. Leo is the BIGGEST of the BIGGEST. He is a pitbull and he is the biggest softiie. He pees alot when he gets nervous, scared of my friends and never fails to cry when he is in trouble. But on the contrary he is soo lovable. he loves to be active and wash your fash in spit. With all these dogs you must wonder how i live? How sleep? HOW I SURVIVE? its actually pretty simple though. i treat them just as my brothers and sisters. No one is allowed in my room. Do not wear my shoes and Get out my face! Now i leave you with a final statement: WHO's YOUR DOGGY!
Every Sunday i find myself to a television and quickly change it to channel 7. My favorite show is on at 9 o'clock. Desperate housewives. My favorite character being Eva Longoria because she is some what just like me. She likes the finner things in life but doesn't like to work for it. She loves her family though and is very dedicated to them.
President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism
"He got the prize because he has been able to change the international climate," Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said. "Some people say, and I understand it, isn't it premature? Too early? Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now. It is now that we have the opportunity to respond — all of us.""
The real question Americans are asking is, What has President Obama actually accomplished?" Steele said. Obama's election and foreign policy moves caused a dramatic improvement in the image of the U.S. around the world. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world. That indicator had plunged across the world under President George W. Bush. But Obama's work is far from done, on numerous fronts.
Along with obama there are other presidents that have won a nobel peace prize below is a link:
If youy have seen me before, there is no surprise to the title of this blog. I LOVE to shop. I must say i picked up this habit young because i am only 14 years old swiping 2 different credit cards. HAHA. That's why its mommies money. She still manages to spoil me out of 3 other brother and sisters. My favorite stores are Guess, Ralph luaren and Rugby. Ovcourse Nike and Coach when im talking about my sneaker game. I mainly shop online and a tipical checkout is $330, a week. I LOVE CLOTHES!
so.. my given name is Azarel Olivia Smith but my friends call me azzie. I guess i like that nickname, it's catchy and short. Easy to call hi to. I am currently in the 9th grade . A freshman at Bennjamin Banneker HighSchool. This school is very small but that gives you advantages as well as disadvantages. Because it is so small it is easy to make friends and get scholarships if you do outstanding work.The bad things are that there is not as many offered programs because we do no have the students for it. Also very crowded in hallways. Going on from school, i consider myself a laid back person and very funny. I guess i'm CLOWN. I love a good laugh. I find it hard to trust people sometimnes because of past experiences with "friends." SO i have 3 main bestfriends that i love dearly. THALYA,JADI, AND EBONIIE. They help me through the the hard times and the times i just could use that extra laughs. I own 4 dogs and i couldnt have more of a full house. There is something about puppy eyes that i can't resist, and that's why i have so much. I also subscribe to the ASPCA and donate $10 a month to help abused animals. To know that i can make a difference to atleast ONE makes me feel that much better about myself. You should always give if you are capable of doing so and are in a situation in which it is no problem but a lil of your time. && that's me ! i could go on for days and tell you more things that i am passionate about but ii guess we could save that for another blog :) STAY TUNNED!